Sunday, November 16, 2008

Friday, October 31, 2008

The Spider Without Legs

Just got back from trick-or-treating. Spiderman and the spider that wouldn't wear her legs enjoyed getting candy, visiting auntie Hana's new apartment down the street and visiting grandma and grandpa's house where they both had camera malfunctions. Here's a picture with Mom wearing the spider legs. Vivi still has the shiner she got when she knocked a desk down on top of her.

Apple Pickin'

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day Weekend in Ely

Lil watches Alice, Vivi, and Edison lick the pie plate:

Lil, Bill, Walt, Alice and Norma:

Russ, Vivi, Edison, and Gail look at the minnow:

Buellah, Jim, and Edison relaxing:

No better way to end out the weekend than Mikko's hot fudge (Vivi, Mary V, Edison, and Mikko):

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Random Pics

Sorted through a few hundred of my most recent pictures this weekend to print some for Judy's birthday. Here are a few highlights.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Cousin Sam's First Birthday

Happy Birthday, Sam!


Vivi in party dress:

Vivi in party mode:

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Cheeks Full of Candy

Too bad chocolate's bad for dogs. The kids sure did enjoy it though!

We had our own Peeps vampire. Appropriate since my last post on this blog was from Halloween.

And we had a lovely egg hunt in the snow. Vivi actually found and picked up a couple eggs on her own.